miercuri, 23 aprilie 2014
De la marii designeri pana la actrite si modele, cateva citate spuse de acestia sunt cunoscute drept adevarate sfaturi sau mesaje de inspiratie. Iata mai jos 30 de fraze dupa care se ghideaza multe fashioniste chiar si in zilele noastre, atat in varianta originala, in limba engleza, cat si traduse in limba romana. Enjoy!!
-Alexandra :*
Coco Chanel
"In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different."
"Pentru a fi de neinlocuit trebuie sa fi intotdeauna diferit."
Karl Lagerfeld
"One is never overdressed or undressed with a Little Black Dress."
"Niciodata nu esti prea incarcat sau prea simplu imbracat intr-o Little Black Dress."
Manolo Blahnik
"People walk differently in high heels. Your body sways to a different kind of tempo."
"Oamenii merg diferit cu tocuri inalte. Corpul se adapteaza la o pozitie diferita."
Alexander McQueen
"Fashion should be a form of escapism, and not a form of imprisonment."
"Moda ar trebui sa fie o forma de evadare, nu una de inlantuire."
Diana Vreeland
"The only real elegance is in the mind; if you've got that, the rest really comes from it."
"Adevarata elegenta o reprezinta mintea; restul pornesc de ea."
Christian Dior
"You can never take too much care over the choice of your shoes. Too many women think that they are unimportant, but a real proof of an elegant woman is what is in on her feet."
"Nu poti avea niciodata prea multa grija ce pantofi sa porti. Prea multe femei cred ca pantofii sunt neimportanti, dar adevarata dovada de eleganta a unei femei se afla in picioarele sale."
Audrey Hepburn
"For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone."
"Pentru ochi frumosi, uita-te pentru binele altora; pentru buze frumoase, vorbeste numai cuvinte de bunatate; si pentru echilibru, mergi convinsa ca nu esti niciodata singura."
Marilyn Monroe
"Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world."
"Da-i unei fete pantofii potriviti si ea poate cuceri lumea."
Vivienne Westwood
"Fashion is very important. It is life-enhancing and, like everything that gives you pleasure, it is worth doing that."
"Moda este foarte importanta. Ea consolideaza viata si, ca orice lucru ce iti face placere, are puterea de a face bine."
Sophia Loren
"A woman's dress should be like a barbed-wire fence: serving its purpose without obstructing the view."
"Rochia unei femei ar trebui sa fie ca un gard de sarma ghimpata: sa-si atinga scopul fara sa obstructioneze imagininea."
Christian Dior
"Shoes transform your body languge and attitude. They lift you physically and emotionally."
"Pantofii iti transforma atitudinea corpului. Ei te ridica fizic si emotional."
Gianni Versace
"Don't be into trends. Don't make fashion own you, but you decide what you are, what you want to express by the way you dress and by the way you live."
"Nu fi in trenduri. Nu face moda sa te detina. Decide-te cine esti, ce vrei sa exprimi prin modul in care te imbraci si prin modul in care traiesti."
John Galliano
"Style is wearing an evening dress to McDonald's, wearing heels to play football. It is personality, confidence and seduction."
"Stilul inseamna sa porti o rochie de seara la McDonald's sau sa joci fotbal pe tocuri. Stilul inseamna personalitate, incredere, seductie."
Miuccia Prada
"What you wear is how you present yourself to the world, especially today, when human contacts are so quick. Fashion is instant language."
"Ce porti este modul cum te prezinti lumii, in special astazi, cand contactele intre oameni sunt atat de rapide. Moda este o limba instanta."
Coco Chanel
"A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous."
"O fata ar trebui sa fie doua lucruri: eleganta si fabuloasa."
Yves Saint Laurent
"Fashion fade, style is eternal."
"Moda se schimba, stilul este etern."
Tom Ford
"Real fashion change comes from real changes in real life. Everything else is just decoration."
"Adevarata schimbare in moda vine din schimbarile adevarate in viata reala. Orice altceva este doar de decor."
Marc Jacobs
"To me, clothing is a form of self-expression- there are hints about who you are in what you wear."
"Pentru mine, imbracamintea este o forma de auto-exprimare. Sunt indicii despre cine esti in ceea ce porti."
Karl Lagerfeld
"Sweatpants are a sign of defeat. You lost control of your life so you bought some sweatpants."
"Pantalonii de trening sunt un semn al infrangerii. Ai pierdut controlul asupra vietii daca ai cumparat niste pantaloni de trening."
Giorgio Armani
"I've always thought of the T-shirt as the Alpha and Omega of the fashion alphabet."
"Intotdeauna m-am gandit la un tricou ca la Alpha sau Omega din alfabetul modei."
Roberto Cavalli
"Excess is success."
"Excesul este succes."
Katharine Hepburn
"I realised long time ago that skirts are hopeless. Anytime I hear a man say he prefers a woman in a skirt, I say, 'Try one. Try a skirt'."
"Am realizat cu mult timp in urma ca fustele sunt fara speranta. De fiecare data cand auzeam un barbat zicand ca prefera o femeie in fusta, ii spuneam: 'Incearca una. Incearca o fusta'."
Hubert de Givenchy
"The dress must follow the body of a woman, not the body following the shape of the dress."
"Rochia trebuie sa urmeze corpul unei femei, nu corpul sa urmeze forma unei rochii."
Donna Karan
"Delete the negative; accentuate the positive!"
"Sterge partile negative, accentueaza-le pe cele pozitive!"
Dnatella Versace
"Fashion is all about happiness. It's fun. It's important. But it's not medicine."
"Moda este doar despre bucurie. Este distractiva. Este importanta. Dra nu este medicina."
Elsa Schiaparelli
"Women dress alike all over the world: they dress to be annoying to other women."
"Femeile se imbraca la fel peste tot in lume: ele se imbraca pentru a enerva alte femei."
Bo Derek
"Whoever said that money can't buy happiness, simply didn't know where to go shopping."
"Oricine spune ca banii nu pot cumpara fericirea, pur si simplu nu stie unde sa mearga la cumparaturi."
Jean-Paul Gaultier
"Elegance is a question of personality, more than one's clothing."
"Eleganta este o chestiune de personalitate, mai mult decat de imbracaminte."
Stefano Gabanna
"It's all a game, with new rules every season."
"Este totul un joc, cu reguli noi in fiecare sezon."
Lauren Hutton
"Fashion is what you're offered four times a year by designers. Style is what you choose."
"Moda este ceea ce ne ofera designerii de patru ori pe an. Stilul este ceea ce alegem."
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