Heei :) In aceasta postare va voi prezenta 50 de lucruri despre mine. A fost o experienta foarte amuzanta sa gasesc atatea informatii, asa ca sper ca o sa va placa postarea. Daca da, va rog sa ii dati +1. xoxo :*
Hey :) In this post I will show you 50 things about me. It was definitely a fun experience to find so many facts, so I hope you like it. If you do, please give it +1. xoxo :*
-Alexandra :*
1. Numele meu mijlociu este Elena.
My middle name is Elena.
2. Sunt nascuta pe 23 mai 1999.
I'm born on 23 may 1999.
3. Sunt din Romania si locuiesc aici.
I'm from Romania and I live here.
4. Culoarea mea preferata este mov.
My favorite colour is mauve.
5. Anotimpul meu preferat este primavara.
My favorite season is spring.
6. Cantecul meu preferat este "Need you now" de la Lady Antebellum.
My favorite song is "Need you now" by Lady Antebellum.
7. Filmul meu preferat este "Diavolul se imbraca de la Prada".
My favorite movie is "The devil wears Prada".
8. Serialele mele preferate sunt "Anatomia lui Grey" si "Gossip Girl".
My favorite series are "Grey's Anatomy" and "Gossip Girl".
9. Iubesc piureul de cartofi.
I love mashed potatoes.
10. Pizza mea preferata este Quatro Stagioni.
My favorite pizza is Quatro Stagioni.
11. Stiu doua limbi straine: engleza si franceza.
I know two foreign languages: English and French.
12. Fructele mele preferate sunt portocalele si bananele.
My favorite fruits are oranges and bananas.
13. Imi place sa petrec vacanta atat la munte cat si la mare.
I like spending my holiday at the sea and at the mountain, too.
14. Am facut patru ani de inot: de la 6 la 10 ani, aproximativ.
I got swimming lessons for four years: from age of six until the age of ten.
15. Cea mai veche prietena a mea este Teodora. O stiu de aproape 14 ani.
My oldest friend is Teodora. I know her for almost 14 years.
16. Prima data cand am fost intr-o vacanta in afara tarii a fost anul trecut, in 2014, cand am fost la Balcic, in Bulgaria.
The first time when I went on a holiday outside of the country was it last year, in 2014, when I was in Balchik, Bulgaria.
17. Imi place sa ma plimb cu rolele.
I like to rollerblade.
18. Sportul meu preferat, in afara de inot, este voleiul.
My favorite sport, beside swimming, is volleyball.
19. Magazinele mele preferate sunt H&M si Yves Rocher.
My favorite shops are H&M and Yves Rocher.
20. Am descoperit recent ca imi plac ciupercile cu orez.
I descovered recently that I like rise with mushrooms.
21. Animalul meu preferat este cainele (animal domestic) si delfinul (animal salbatic).
My favorite animal is the dog (domestic animal) and the dolphin (wild animal).
22. Rasele mele de caine preferate sunt Beagle si Golden Retriever.
My favorite breeds of dog are Beagle and Golden Retriever.
23. Acesta nu este primul meu blog. Am mai avut unul acum cativa ani.
This is not my first blog. I had one a few years ago.
24. Am cunoscut-o pe Adelina anul trecut, in primul an de liceu.
I met Adelina last year, in our first year of highschool.
25. Blogger-ul meu roman preferat este Alina Ceusan.
My favorite Romanian blogger is Alina Ceusan.
26. Fimul meu preferat de Craciun este "The Grinch".
My favorite Christmas movie is "The Grinch".
27. Am un Laptop Asus.
My laptop is Asus.
28. Telefonul meu este un Samsung Galaxy Express 1.
My phone is a Samsung Galaxy Express 1.
29. Primul YouTuber pe care l-am urmarit este Ingrid Nilsen (missglamorazzi). Primul videoclip este "Get Ready With Me! Spring Makeup, Hair and Outfit!".
The first YouTuber I watched is Ingrid Nilsen (missglamorazzi). The first video is "Get Ready With Me! Spring Makeup, Hair and Outfit!".
30. Scriitoarea mea preferata este Agatha Christie.
My favorite writer is Agatha Christie.
31. As vrea sa vizitez Parisul.
I would love to visit Paris.
32. Cand eram mica, printesa mea preferata era Aurora, din "Frumoasa din padurea adormita".
When I was little, my favorite princess was Aurora, from "Sleeping Beauty".
33. Am fost cercetas.
I was a scout.
34. Imi place sa desenez si sa pictez.
I love to draw and to paint.
35. Imi place sa-mi pictez unghiile. Mult.
I love to paint my nails. A lot.
36. Mi-ar placea sa iau lectii de dans.
I would love to take dance lessons.
37. Colectionez cani.
I collect mugs.
38. Stiu sa patinez.
I know how to ice skate.
39. Imi place sa prepar briose si clatite.
I like to bake cupcakes and pancakes.
40. Guma mea de mestecat preferata este Orbit.
My favorite chewing gum is Orbit.
41. Iubesc Craciunul.
I love Christmas.
42. Unul din serialele mele preferate din copilarie este "Spioanele - Totally Spies".
One of my favorite series from my childhood is "Totally Spies".
43. Revista mea preferata este "Super Bravo Girl".
My favorite magazine is "Super Bravo Girl".
44. Am ochii caprui-verzi, daca asta are sens.
I have brown-green eyes, if it makes sens.
45. Am parul lung si castaniu.
I have long, brown hair.
46. Florile mele preferate sunt trandafirii si lalele.
My favorite flowers are roses and tulips.
47. Nu imi plac paianjenii.
I don't like spiders.
48. Genul meu preferat de muzica este pop-rock-ul.
My favorite kind of music is pop-rock.
49. Am un jurnal de aproape trei ani. Totusi, nu e plin cu drame emotionale si crize adolescentine, ci cu toate lucrurile nebune facute, practic amintiri.
I keep a diary for three years. It is not full with dramas and crisis, but it contains some of the craziest stuff that we did, basically memories.
50. Imi place mult sa scriu pe blog. <3
I really enjoy writing on blog. <3
Unde ne puteti gasi. Where you can find us:
Facebook: Teen's Life - Viata adolescentilor
ITSALEXAROOT (contul meu. my account)
Tumblr: Teen's Life
WeHeartIt: Alexa Root (contul meu. my account)
Twitter: @alexaroot (contul meu. my account)
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